How Many Bundles Do I need For Full Head Sew In?
14 Apr 2022
Figuring out how many bundles you will need to complete your desired hairstyle is a very important question that many customers asked. It’s very frustrating to purchase hair and find out you don’t have the correct amount or length. Let us help you to not make that mistake.
How many bundles do I need? The answer varies based on the hairstyle, length, the size of your head, match closure or frontal. So down below we have listed the main factors that will help you to figure out the length and quantity you will need to do your full head.
1.Length – Now the hair industry has standardized hair wefts bundles. Hair wefts, unless it is noted, is always sold in about 100gram/3.5oz each bundle. Therefore, if you buy a 12” bundle vs buying a 26”; most likely the 26” bundle will have less hair compared to the 10” bundle. Therefore, a short hairstyle (may need about 2-3 bundles) while a longer hair style (may need about 3 or more bundles).

2.Frontal or Closure – depending on the closing top piece that is used for your hairstyle, you might have to adjust the number of bundles you will use. For example, if you use a 4x4 closure vs a 13x4 frontal piece then chances are that with the closure you will require more hair since it doesn’t take up as much space as a frontal would. (TT Hair 3/4 Bundles With Closure)
3.Size of your head – The circumference of an average person’s head is 21 inches to 24 inches. Based on the size of the head, decide how many bundles do you need for a sew-in. therefore, if you take the time to measure your own head you will then be better able to determine if you will need more or less bundles when you are purchasing your hair.
4.The texture of the hair – if you have ever straightened your own natural hair, taking it from curly to silky straight then you would know, curly hair typically looks much fuller than straight hair. So, rule of thumb, if you plan on buying curly hair (such as a jerry curl) vs straight hair, depending on how full you want your hair, you might end up buying less curly hair bundles compared to straight hair bundles and vice versa.
We hope now you understand how many human hair bundles do you need for a full sew-in. Determine the desired length and texture of hair to understand the best number of bundles required. You must remember the number of bundles can increase based on the desired look and fullness of hair.
How many bundles do I need? The answer varies based on the hairstyle, length, the size of your head, match closure or frontal. So down below we have listed the main factors that will help you to figure out the length and quantity you will need to do your full head.
1.Length – Now the hair industry has standardized hair wefts bundles. Hair wefts, unless it is noted, is always sold in about 100gram/3.5oz each bundle. Therefore, if you buy a 12” bundle vs buying a 26”; most likely the 26” bundle will have less hair compared to the 10” bundle. Therefore, a short hairstyle (may need about 2-3 bundles) while a longer hair style (may need about 3 or more bundles).

2.Frontal or Closure – depending on the closing top piece that is used for your hairstyle, you might have to adjust the number of bundles you will use. For example, if you use a 4x4 closure vs a 13x4 frontal piece then chances are that with the closure you will require more hair since it doesn’t take up as much space as a frontal would. (TT Hair 3/4 Bundles With Closure)
3.Size of your head – The circumference of an average person’s head is 21 inches to 24 inches. Based on the size of the head, decide how many bundles do you need for a sew-in. therefore, if you take the time to measure your own head you will then be better able to determine if you will need more or less bundles when you are purchasing your hair.
4.The texture of the hair – if you have ever straightened your own natural hair, taking it from curly to silky straight then you would know, curly hair typically looks much fuller than straight hair. So, rule of thumb, if you plan on buying curly hair (such as a jerry curl) vs straight hair, depending on how full you want your hair, you might end up buying less curly hair bundles compared to straight hair bundles and vice versa.
We hope now you understand how many human hair bundles do you need for a full sew-in. Determine the desired length and texture of hair to understand the best number of bundles required. You must remember the number of bundles can increase based on the desired look and fullness of hair.